New Biofilters Technology Proves Cost-Saving Alternative to Thermal Oxidizer (RTO systems) for VOC Emission Control Tri-Mer Corporation announces a major advance in biofilters technology. It is more practical alternative to a thermal oxidizer, in-bed biofiltration, and aerobic digestion with trickling filter mass transfer for VOC emission control.
The air emissions regulations of the MACT standard, (Table 1B Subpart DDDD of Part 63: Add-on Control Systems Compliance Options) now apply universally to board manufacturing. Fortunately, there is now a cost-effective, reliable, and proven technology for controlling formaldehyde emissions, also methanol, terpenes, and other VOC emission types generated by board plants, as well as the manufacturing of fiberglass, adhesives, resins and other materials.
This new biofilters VOC emission control alternative combines the best of in-bed bioscrubber and aerobic digestion with the high removal efficiency of micron-scale mist scrubbing. It treats high inlet concentrations of VOC emissions in a tower configuration with a manageable, small footprint. Unlike the large, in-bed biofilters approach of the past, this proven new technology can be sited close to the emission source, minimizing long duct runs. This unique Biofilters VOC emission control technology (patent pending) is less expensive to install and less costly to operate than older approaches. It provides high removal rates on high particulate concentrations and heavy loadings of biological treatment products, without clogging the media beds. Media is permanent: no replacement of media or packing is necessary.
The system is highly reliable, with low maintenance and operating costs. Tri-Mer’s new Biofilters VOC control generates minimal waste and does not create NOx by-products. The Tri-Mer system addresses a broad spectrum of VOC emission types. Alcohols, including methanol and other high vapor pressure VOCs, are simultaneously treated along with more challenging VOC compounds such as turpenes and pinenes. Formaldehyde emissions, perhaps the most problematical from a regulatory perspective, are readily removed. The system is highly flexible, with options for treatment of numerous volatile organic compounds. The underlying design philosophy focuses on MACT compliance. Time is critical in complying with air emissions regulations found in the VOC MACT standards. Now, there is a cost effective, reliable and proven biofilters technology available. This new VOC emission control alternative is available exclusively though Tri-Mer Corporation, which offers turnkey engineering , VOC emission control equipment manufacturing, installation and project management. With its own manufacturing facility in Michigan, and resources nationwide, project schedules can be expedited and regulatory deadlines met.